Monday, August 6, 2007

Tigress Sucker

This week in Two Songs That Sound So Alike (a new randomly appearing feature):

Damien Jurado - "Sucker"

Songs:Ohia - "Tigress"

Both songs begin in the same sort of manner and continue with similar progressions. Jurado and Jason Molina are both inclined to write forlorne folksy songs, and they both have that worn and wistful vocal delivery. But eventually the songs diverge; "Tigress" reaches an apex while "Sucker" remains steady.

Songs:Ohia gets the win for releasing "Tigress" on The Lioness in 2000. "Sucker" appears on 2005's On My Way to Absence. But they're both good songs, and if you listened to them then you're the real winner. Hooray!

All those .mp3 links that weren't working before... they're working now. Sorry for any frustration-causing I've frustratingly caused.