Friday, September 7, 2007

MMFRR#6 -- Golden Death

Myspace bands, reaching out to me from beyond Myspace.
I recently got this message via As I read it, here's what the voices in my head responded with:


(Well hello there.)

"sorry to reach out to you seemingly at random, but i was hoping that you might be interested in hearing my music"

(Um, actually...)

"I realize you might have gotten similar inviations from bands in the past that turned out to be awful..I know I have..."


"I think I am doing something at least a bit different and worthwhile though"


"Feel free to send me a message via or if you like"

(Only if I like)

"Thank you so much for your time and for taking a chance"

(You are very welcome, for I have nothing better to do today)

"Sorry again for the spammish nature of this message, but i am really trying to make something happen with the music as i have a daughter on the way!"

(That was a random bit of personal information, but congratulations.)

I hope you are very well


s, goldendeath

GOLDEN DEATH... rolls off the tongue like a bouncing football.

(Mr. Golden Death, I presume.)

So we click on over to the Golden Death Myspace page and... whoa. We've got some presentation problems here. Imagine the ugliest outdated pattern you can possibly think of. Now make it your Myspace background. Now spray liquid bleach into your eyes. I guess this is what we call... "Psychedelic."

Psychedelic rock is a peculiar thing. Unless it's 1968, you can't get away with labeling your self as part of a "psychedelic" genre. Nobody listens to anything psychedelic anymore. It carries a kind of antiquated vibe with it and, if anything, the mere word (unless followed by Furs) is fairly repulsing. Oddly, however, listeners do appreciate hints of psychadelia in their music. (Remember Smashmouth's "Walking on the Sun"?) But you really shouldn't ever use that word, even if you mean it.

But what's most disarming about all this psychedelic nonsense, at least in this instance, is that the music is pretty good. The dressy imagery, the effort to present this as something psychedelic, is all a goofy waste of time because the music stands on its own. Granted, it's not my cup o' tea, but if I needed some background music, or I just needed to chill, this would definitely suffice. But what's probably more impressive is that this is home made music. Some guy, some instruments, some computer... the quality of the sound is pretty dang good, as is the quality of the musicianship.

Worth a listen? It is, actually. But once you click on the Myspace link you may have to close your eyes to prevent yourself from barfing all over your computer monitor. One of the songs will start up automatically, and since your eyes are closed anyway just let the music taaaake you plaaaaces. Maaaan.

I rate Golden Death 7 groovies out of 10