Saturday, September 1, 2007


I really like listening to and talking about the oldies, so I was a little perturbed when the random number generator gave me a 2006. Also disgruntling was the fact that I listened to so much music last year; it took me a long time to just pick five. We may have to revisit this one.

The Fiery Furnaces - "I'm In No Mood"
This is a classic TFF song in that it sounds like two or three tunes rolled into one delicious songburger. Thusly it's completely okay to have two or three favorite parts. And even though this is relatively brief for a Fiery Furnaces song (3:39 instead of, y'know, 9:00) there's a lot going on. One second we're galloping frantically along (I say "we" because listening to The Fiery Furnaces is to become tightly involved with the stories being told), the next second we're lamenting being so drunk last night, the next somebody's talking to us backwardsly. Things slow down, then weeee! off we go again.

Benoit Pioulard - "Triggering Back"
I had forgotten that music is capable of being this amazing. Nevermind that it's by somebody calling himself Benoit Pioulard, which is a terribly pretentious self-moniker for a 23 year-old Michigan native. But his music is dense and beautiful, and as far as this song goes it doesn't get much better. Here his hushed but firm vocals are fused into a haunting cloud of music. There are layers, but one element doesn't take precedence over the others. Even the guitar squeaks are incorporated into the atmosphere of sound. File under: Highly Recommended.

Christian Kjellvander - "Allelujah"
As far as I know (although further research could probably prove me wrong) the only place you can find this song is on a 2006 compilation called Cowboys in Scandinavia: The New Folk Sounds From Northern Europe. Maybe it's those Nordic winters, but whatever inspires these woeful vocals and lamenting guitars absolutely kills me. Think Richard Buckner, but with a different accent. If you're depressed and feel like dying then listen to this song. Your sadness will look like rainbows in comparison.

mewithoutyou - "In A Sweater Poorly Knit"
A brilliant ending to a brilliant album. I am definitely not sorry that mewithoutyou has "softened" their sound over the years. Though Aaron Weis isn't as vocally aggressive as he used to be, the band's songs pack more punches than before. But what sets this tune apart from the other ones on Brother, Sister is the extended conclusion, a two and-a-half minute instrumental outro that not only satisfyingly ends the song, but also rounds off the album.

Veronica Maggio - "Nöjd?"
More Swedes! Maggio, though, is on the complete opposite end of the musical spectrum than Kjellvander. I have no idea what she's singing about here (other than the title, which I think translates to "Satisfied?"), but if there's an English version of this song then I don't want to hear it. I may be above English-sung pop music, but I will listen to Scandinavian pop until my ears bleed.

What were you listening to last year?